My Top Organisation Tools For 2013

As with any new year, 2013 is just starting and is full of promise. I have plans and goals this year (not new year resolutions because they always work out to be a list of things I know from day two I’m not going to achieve) and in order to help me achieve these goals I have tools to help me.

I’m not anti-tech by any means however haven’t got an iPhone, or iPad and have never touched a Mac (shocking I know). What I do have is a group of tools that work for me and hopefully will continue to do so in 2013.

Google +  

Like many when G+ started accepting users I was there in a shot, profile set up and…… stalled. I couldn’t fathom what G+ was going to do for me and couldn’t see what I would gain in addition to using Facebook or Twitter. My G+ account was sadly neglected until  only a few months ago when it became obvious from the buzz online that G+ had picked up speed. Much has changed since the first roll-out and the introduction of Communities amongst other new features is making this platform much more attractive to me.

This is a tool yet to be fully explored however I can already see that from a professional point of view and as a networking tool that GooglePlus will feature heavily in my 2013 future plans.

Those already on Google Plus can find me here.

Google Old-Fashioned Organisation

As something of a stationery tart little excites me more than a new diary or organiser at the beginning of the year. I am a huge Dodo Pad fan and already my 2013 Dodo Pad is hard at work. Anyone who hasn’t really heard of Dodo Pad before needs to check out the website for more information on the range of goodies housed there. I used my Dodo Pad as my work organiser. I scribble, cross out, doodle, make notes, to do lists and more and it keeps me right. While I love my online tools there is nothing quite like a paper diary and this one ticks all of the boxes.

Dodo Pad for many is their main diary however the flexibility of it works better for me in the office. For every day appointments and what not I use my trusty Filofax and wouldn’t be without it’s leathery loveliness. These two combined are the perfect every day organisation tools for me.


This is another newbie for me yet already is proving invaluable. Those who know nothing about Evernote need to look it up! This is an online tool that is again so flexible that it may be used for any function and for me it is perfect for organising work emails (you can forward emails to it and file them in specific notebooks and under any tags you like with ease). I also use Evernote to easily keep copies of online content that is published, mainly guest articles, webpages or commissions so that I have these to hand when needed. I have invoice information, reminders, urls and client information all there to hand and although I am a new Evernote user I am finding new features every day.

Evernote works so well for me because it streamlines a vast bulk of information that I otherwise would have to spend time jumping between files looking for. It also enables me to save work information away from Outlook so that I may close the emails down for a while and work uninterrupted.
These tools kept me straight in 2012 whilst I worked away like a mad thing at my little corner desk (a fabulous space-saving piece from John Lewis) and I look forward to making them work harder for me in 2013. What tools do you use to keep your work and home straight?

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    1. I fell in lust with Pinterest but use it rarely nowadays other than to browse beautiful things and collect ideas for things to do with the boys. Mind you, that works just fine for me, I can’t see myself using it for blog advertising etc.

  1. I use a Moleskine week to view with note page academic year diary (as Boyzilla is in school and OH is an academic we tend to work in that year rather than a calendar year).

    Google+ is on my radar for this year too.

    I completely agree about Evernote, I clip things there and do actually read the stuff (result!)

    1. Evernote is fantastic! I’m already seeing less time wasted as everything is *there*.

      Your diary sounds like it should be stroked and not actually used (I stroke mine and am not ashamed to admit it) 🙂

  2. Evernote is great. There are probably as many uses for it as users. My most used mote is the one with all my passwords for everything kept in it. So as long as I can get at Evernote from a computer or smart phone I never have to worry about remembering passwords.

    Dropbox and Delicious are both services I use a lot and would miss if they were gone.

    Like you I signed up to G+ early but I’ve never learned to love it.

    1. G+ is worth another look, particularly for networking or business purposes. I’m having a good play with new features and working out what is what before I set up work pages and what not but so far so good.

      I couldn’t cope without Dropbox as my laptop would grind to a halt under the pressure of the amount of copy i have to store but haven’t use Delicious before!

  3. 1) yes, I must investigate Evernote although One Note in Outlook keeps beckoning
    2) Did you know Dodo Pad now do three (yes three!) Filofax compatible diaries – in both our calendar year and Acad-Pad mid year versions. (Personal, A5 and A4 for anyone esle reading this)#justsaying….
    3) I love the headline ‘Google Old-Fashioned organisation. My thoughts exactly. But I would say that and I would be lost without Outlook and my iPhone. #justsaying

  4. Damnit stop flaunting the dodopad things at me when I’ve just made a deal with myself to NOT BUY anything online unless it’s something I actually need! >_<
    *pats her filofax* It's ok…. I don't need to replace you really…..

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